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IWA External Bulletin

The IWA- Plenary in Warsaw on October 28, 29 and 30 decided that the IWA should have an
External Bulletin. Prior to that, various Congresses had treated the issue with the same
wish. You are now reading the first issue. The editor responsible is the IWA - Secretariat,
but it is made by excellent compilation of the IS of the ZSP.

It shows the activities and actions of the IWA this last winter and this spring during the
serious and hard times we are living in of today`s Capitalism.

The IWA was (re) founded 90 years ago in Berlin. Since then we have seen
the state communist dictatorships vanish, the Social Democrats are in the forefront of the
interests of the capitalists, the Trotskyists show themselves as electoral politicians etc.

The IWA is an unique organization in this vast ocean of organizations which are
integrated into the system, and the material in the bulletin shows actions that are run
by the affiliates in organizations that do not receive any subsidies from the state and/or
capitalists and that do not class collaborate!

iwa_external__bulletin_no.1_may_2012.pdf6.01 MB